Believe it or not, I owe a lot to The Star Wars Holiday Special.
In 2009 I was deep in an art funk, and hadn’t done anything creative in years. When my friend Leo asked me to start That SciFi Guy with him, it pulled me out of a dark hole and literally gave me creative life again.
The Holiday Special was our first review. It was pretty rough, but it was a lot of fun to do, and it led to some of the coolest experiences of my life.
We did a lot of great work and got better at our craft. We joined That Guy With The Glasses and got invited to go to cons and meet our fans. (We had fans!) The momentum I gained from doing TSFG led to me restarting my comic and making it a bigger success than it had ever been.
But my favorite memories of the project were those writing meetings where a group of us would just watch something together, take notes, yell at the screen, make each other laugh, and turn our best jokes into scripts.
So thanks to this very silly 1978 TV special for helping to make that happen, thanks to everyone who worked on this project with us, thanks to Harvey Korman and Bea Arthur, and thanks to our fellow nerds who now celebrate Life Day with us.